9 am to 6 pm

Monday to Friday

Queensway House, 4th Flr

Kaunda Street,CBD

+254 722 737451


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Savannah Mews Kitengela

Selling Price: Kshs. 7.25M.
Selling Price: Kshs. 5.45M.
Selling Price: Kshs. 8.75M.



1)This booking form constitutes an expression of interest to invest in Savannah Mews Kitengela. Confirmation of booking shall be done upon signing of offer letter and sale agreement.
2) A standard, non-refundable booking fee of Kshs.50,000 must be paid before any reservation is made leading up to the signing of an offer letter. This shall add as part of the 20% deposit required.
3) Cash buyers are required to deposit 20% of the investment value within thirty (30) days from the date of signing the offer letter. The balance of the purchase price to be paid upon signing the Sale Agreement.
4) Cash instalments buyers are required to deposit 20% of the investment value within thirty (30) days from the date of signing the offer letter. The balance of the purchase price to be paid as per provisions contained in the Sale Agreement. Proof of funds/collateral will be required.
5) Mortgage finance buyers are required to deposit 20% of the investment value within thirty (30) days from the date of signing the offer letter. The balance of the purchase price to be paid within the mortgage period agreed with the bank as captured in the Sale Agreement.
6) Allocation of houses shall be done on a first come first serve basis. Buyers will be allowed to choose their houses upon payment of the booking fee. (Refer to clause (2) above).
7) Sale Agreements shall be executed by the parties as soon as the investor completes payment of the 20% deposit.
8) EMO Village Limited shall issue official receipts for all payments received upon proof of payment (copy required).
9) All official communications to EMO Village must be addressed to: THE MANAGING DIRECTOR, EMO VILLAGE LIMITED, QUEENSWAY HOUSE, 4TH FLOOR, KAUNDA STREET, P. O. BOX 7985 – 00100 NAIROBI, KENYA. Telephone: +254 20 2316967, Email: info@emovillage.co.ke.
By submitting this form I accept and agree to the above terms and conditions and therefore authorise EMO Village Ltd to submit my form and details to Rafiki Microfinance Bank for further engagements.